The world of branding faces the same pressures presented to women over the years: to emphasize image over voice. Well, the good news is that the world has awoken to women finding and owning their voice, not just their lipstick.
Own Your Voice is challenging Solo marketers, decision makers, and upcoming message makers to help brands become voices of impact by sharing the focus not only on the color and the font but also the VOICE you want your brand to have in the marketplace.
We ask you personal brands, copywriters, marketers, and advertisers to rise to the challenge and join us for 30 days to get to know your BRAND VOICE through writing prompts, case studies, and making fun of our own drafts we’ve written for clients at Own Your Voice!
As Women’s History Month comes to a close, we bring light to impactful women of our time to inspire your brand voice!
Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu, often recognized as the “First Lady of Physics” was a woman of significant impact who made key contributions to the realm of physics. Her work helped to launch the process for the Manhattan project, however, she was not credited for her work. Too bad in her day branding your voice wasn’t a thing, because her personal brand would have scientific kicked ass (and shut up a few naysayers.) Despite the discrimination she faced as a woman, Wu became the first woman to serve as president of the American Physical Society and won several awards and honors including the National Medal of Science and the Comstock Prize. Now if Dr. Wu made it that far up the ladder in a time when women’s voices were not heard… imagine the potential for female brand voices now that they are?
Up next we have Zora Neale Hurston, an African-American woman writer, and anthropologist – she is dubbed as the heart of the Harlem Renaissance. She told groundbreaking stories saturated with the tradition of African American culture, and the poetry of speech. Four novels, two books, and an autobiography later – this woman became the epitome of how to properly wield the power of optimizing your voice vehicles.
Now - Lee Miller was not your run of the mill American woman. A fashion photographer turned combat photojournalist, she was a woman of action and passion. Miller bravely marched into the trenches of World War II, capturing the tragedy and solace that resulted thereafter. She provided a voice of truth, and courage, this is a woman who truly owned her voice.
In honor of the last days of Women’s History Month, we leave you with these three women and public figures as an inspiration for your brand voice! Why? Because identifying a character, fictional or not, is a short cut to knowing your brand voice.
As Lee Miller said; “What is a lady to do when a battle lands on her lap?”
Welcome to the marketing brand voice battle... Do you accept the challenge?
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